
Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese system of healing. The insertion of fine needles is used to stimulate points on the skin along various energy pathways throughout the body. These points have been shown to be effective in the treatment of a variety of disorders for thousands of years. Treatment is provided by the Chiropractors as an adjunctive therapy to their chiropractic practice for the treatment of neuromusculoskeletal conditions within their scope of practice.


How does acupuncture work?

Acupuncture is based on the theory that energy, Qi, flows through the body along channels called meridians. Each meridian is connected to a specific internal organ. When the flow of Qi is blocked or out of balance, illness or pain results. Needling the acupuncture points releases the blockage of Qi promoting the smooth flow of energy, restoring the health to the body’s system.

According to Western Medicine it is proposed that acupuncture produces its effects by regulating the nervous system. Acupuncture stimulates the body to produce its own pain relieving chemical called endorphins. Endorphins block pathways that relay pain messages from the body to the brain resulting in general relaxation and biochemical restoration of the body’s own internal regulation systems.

Acupuncture has also been shown to aid the activity of the immune system and alter brain chemistry. This causes the release of immune cells, neurotransmitters and neurohormones into the body thus influencing the parts of the central nervous system related to sensation and involuntary body functions.

The improved energy and biochemical balance produced by acupuncture stimulate the body’s natural healing abilities, reducing inflammation, and promoting physical and emotional wellbeing.


What are the needles like?

The needles are very thin, made of stainless steel and have a coiled handle. The point is smooth (not hollow with cutting edges like hypodermic needles) so insertion through the skin is not as painful as injections or blood sampling. The risk of bruising and skin irritation is less than when using a hollow needle. The length and thickness varies with the area of the body being treated.
The needles are pre-sterilized, individually packaged and disposable thus absolutely assuring that there is no transmission of communicable diseases from person to person.


What should I expect at my initial visit?

After filling out a comprehensive initial health history package the doctor will perform a thorough interactive history and examination. The results of this process will be discussed with the patient and a plan of management recommended. An acupuncture treatment will be provided on the initial visit. The initial visit will usually last approximately 45-60 minutes.


What should I expect at a subsequent visit?

A patient may be asked to change into a gown to expose the area being treated. Needles will be inserted and left in place for 15-30 minutes. Electrodes may be placed around or attached to the needles. The electric stimulation results in enhances pain relief that may outlast the treatment by hours or days. During treatment a patient should relax and avoid moving. They should let the doctor know if they are not comfortable with any of the needles so adjustments can be made.


Is there anything I need to do to prepare for a treatment?

Yes. The following suggestions will help you get maximum benefits from your treatment. Maintain good personal hygiene, wear loose clothing, and avoid treatment when excessively fatigued, hungry, full, or emotionally upset. Do not over exercise or consume alcohol 6 hours before or after treatment. Plan your activities so you can rest after your treatment.


Does Acupuncture hurt or cause any other symptoms?

Not usually but each patient is unique. Some patients do not feel a single needle being inserted. Some may experience a pin prick sensation when a pain receptor or blood vessel is needled. The term “acupuncture sensation” is used to describe a variety of feelings that the patient may experience. These feelings include cramping, heaviness, distension, tingling, dull ache, heat or electric sensation, either around the needle or travelling up or down the affected energy pathway or meridian.


What can I expect after a treatment?

One may experience an immediate total or partial relief of their pain or other symptoms. This relief may last or some of the pain may return. In a few cases, the pain may seem to worsen. This is called a rebound effect. In this case the pain can be expected to gradually decrease. Often the most dramatic results are experienced in the first treatment. However, one should see further incremental improvement after each subsequent treatment. In a few cases, there may be no immediate relief only to experience the pain diminish over the next couple of days. It is quite common with the first one or two treatments for the patient to experience a sensation of deep relaxation or even mild disorientation immediately following the treatment. These sensations pass within a short time and never require more than a bit of rest to overcome.


How many treatments will I need?

That depends on the duration, severity and nature of each individual’s complaint. For complex or chronic conditions, one or two treatments a week for weeks or months may be recommended. For acute conditions, usually fewer visits are required over a shorter period of time. An average of 10 treatments is a fair estimate for the average patient.


Is Acupuncture covered by health insurance?

OHIP does not provide coverage for acupuncture. However, the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board, Motor Vehicle Accident Insurance and some extended health care plans do provide coverage for acupuncture. Each extended health care policy is unique and must be reviewed to determine acupuncture benefits. The Chiropractors at our clinic are registered with the Acupuncture Council of Ontario, the Ontario Chiropractic Association and the Canadian Chiropractic Association.




Initial Examination and Treatment
Adult $110.00
Student $90.00

Subsequent Treatment
Adult $55.00
Student (over 11) $50.00
Student (under 10) $45.00

Missed Appointment Fee


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