Massage Therapy

Massage therapy is the manipulation of the soft tissues of the body including muscles, connective tissue, tendons, ligaments and joints. Massage therapy helps alleviate the soft tissue discomforts associated with every day and occupational stress, muscular over use and many chronic pain conditions. Massage therapy can release painful muscle tension, reduce fascial restrictions, increase joint flexibility, improve circulation, improve immune system functioning, increase lymphatic drainage, reduce mental and physical fatigue and increase body awareness.


What types of conditions do massage therapists treat?

Massage therapists treat any conditions related to the muscles in the entire body. This would include back pain, inflammatory conditions such as arthritis or tendonitis, anxiety and associated disorders, headaches, postural strain, repetitive strain injuries, muscle related conditions such as spasms, strains and sprains, circulatory and respiratory problems, pregnancy and labour discomfort, post injury and post-surgical rehabilitation, sports injuries, work related injuries, and motor vehicle accident related injuries.


Are the massage therapists at Westney Heights Chiropractic Centre registered?

Yes. All of our massage therapists are registered with the College of Massage Therapy of Ontario. After your session you will be provided with a receipt of payment with your massage therapist’s registration number and signature on it to submit to your extended health care plan.


What massage techniques are offered?

Our massage therapists are trained in Swedish massage, myofascial release techniques, and therapeutic hot stone massage.


What is Swedish massage?

Swedish massage uses a variety of techniques such as effleurage (gliding strokes), petrissage (lifting and kneading), percussion, trigger point therapy, fascial release, joint mobilizations and stretching.


What is myofascial release technique?

Myofascial release is a hands-on technique which focuses on the reduction of fascial restriction and the relaxation of tight muscles to aid in the correction of overall posture. Fascia is connective tissue that links the muscles to the skeletal system. Healthy fascia is flexible but when injured it becomes dense and restricted causing an imbalance in muscular and skeletal body structure. Fascial restrictions are reduced over a series of 10 sessions. Initially each area of the body is addressed individually then later as a whole while utilizing structural integration techniques. This technique is very effective in the treatment of recurring and chronic painful conditions.


What should I expect at my initial visit?

After filling out an initial health history the massage therapist will perform an interactive history and assessment. The results of this process will be discussed with the patient and a plan of management recommended. Once patient consent is obtained your massage treatment will commence. The client may also be given recommendations for specific postural advice, and/or stretching and strengthening exercises. At the Westney Heights Chiropractic Centre we require a minimum of 45 minutes for your initial visit.


Do I have to disrobe for a massage session?

No. Your comfort as a client is of the utmost importance to all RMTs. Your therapist can provide important treatment whether you elect to remove any, some or all of your clothing. All therapists are trained in proper draping procedures to ensure that your privacy is completely respected at all times during treatment. If at any time you feel uncomfortable during your appointment let your therapist know, and they will adjust your draping accordingly. During myofascial release sessions you will sometimes be asked to get off the table to assess progress so for this reason we ask that you wear a swim suit or athletic wear that you will be comfortable in.


Does massage therapy hurt?

As with many treatments affecting the soft tissues there are times when massage therapy can cause some discomfort but it is not harmful. Massage sessions usually begin with a relatively gentle pressure to calm your nervous system and begin releasing superficial tension. Gradually your therapist works more deeply to address specific areas. The treatment is modified to the client’s needs and/or preferences.


How long will I need to see a massage therapist?

Some patients rely on massage therapy to help manage episodes of pain or injury. Others include massage therapy as part of a plan of ongoing wellness. With myofascial release technique ideally the work is done over a series of 10 sessions addressing each area of the body individually and then later as a whole. How long you benefit from care is up to you.


Does OHIP cover massage therapy?

No. However, Motor Vehicle Accident Insurance and many Extended Health Care Plans may cover all or a portion of your treatment costs. Each extended health care policy is unique and must be reviewed to determine massage therapy benefits. Most plans require a referral note from your medical doctor in order for you to be reimbursed payment for your treatments.


Does Work Place Safety and Insurance Board cover massage therapy?

Yes, in some cases. The massage therapy treatments must be recommended by your primary health practitioner then preapproved by Work Place Safety and Insurance Board. At the Westney Heights Chiropractic Centre you are asked to pay for your treatment at the time the service is rendered. A signed receipt will then be issued so you can be reimbursed by WSIB directly.


(All fees include H.S.T.)

30min $70.00
45min $90.00
60min $110.00
75min $135.00
90min $160.00
120min $210.00

Hot Stone Massage
60min $135.00
90min $185.00


Missed Visit 
100% of booked appointment fee


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