Therapeutic Laser

Therapeutic laser, also called cold laser or low level laser therapy is a safe, painless and effective technology that supplies energy to the body in the form of billions of photons of light. The body absorbs this laser light on a cellular level and transforms it into chemical energy which the body then uses to commence its own tissue repairs. This photochemical reaction continues for 24 to 72 hours causing a decrease in inflammation and pain and an increase in tissue regeneration and healing.

At the Westney Heights Chiropractic Centre the chiropractors use the Theralase Laser which is unique in the industry with its dual wavelength super pulsing technology. This enables it to penetrate further, heal faster and relieve pain quicker than many other lasers in the market. It is the only laser that penetrates up to 4” into tissue activating all three known cellular pathways.
1. Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) Pathway: Accelerates Healing
2. Nitric Oxide (NO) Pathway: Reduces Inflammation
3. Lipid Absorption Pathway: Decreased Pain


What types of conditions does laser therapy treat?

There are over 3000 clinical studies worldwide proving the success of therapeutic lasers in the healing of acute and chronic neural musculo-skeletal conditions. Conditions such as strains, sprains, tendonitis, osteoarthritis, frozen shoulder, disc injuries, nerve pain, TMJ, migraines, and wound healing. Theralase has performed a blinded randomized controlled study on chronic knee pain proving the clinical safety and efficacy of its technology and achieving FDA 510(k) approval. Theralase laser therapy is safe, effective and painless, with results which are often immediate with no side effects. Efficacy rates in excess of 90% are routinely achieved.


What are the therapeutic benefits of laser therapy?

Rapid Cell Growth - Laser light accelerates cellular reproduction and growth.
Faster Wound Healing - Laser light stimulates fibroblast development and accelerates collagen synthesis in damaged tissue.
Anti-Inflammatory Action - Laser light reduces swelling caused by bruising or inflammation of joints to provide enhanced joint mobility.
Reduced Fibrous Tissue Formation - Laser light reduces the formation of scar tissue following tissue damage from: cuts, scratches, burns and post-surgery
Increased Metabolic Activity – Laser light produces higher outputs of specific enzymes, greater oxygen and food particle loads for blood cells and thus greater production of the basic food source for cells, ATP.
Increased Vascular Activity – Laser light induces temporary vasodilation, increasing blood flow to damaged areas.
Stimulated Nerve Function – Laser light speeds up the process of nerve cell reconnection to bring the numb areas or “dead limbs” caused by slow recovery of nerve function in damaged tissue back to life.


Are Theralase lasers harmful?

No. There are two general types of medical lasers. Heat generating lasers which cut through and damage tissue and cold lasers which stimulate tissue repair, reduce inflammation and eliminate pain. Even if used 24 hours a day on your condition they would not be harmful to you. Due to the coherent nature of a laser beam, ocular damage is a concern with cold laser. Therefore, you should never look directly at laser light and should always wear protective eyewear when a Theralase laser is in use. As a precaution laser therapy is contraindicated over the pregnant abdomen or cancerous tumor because of its ability to stimulate cell replication. It is also used with precaution with patients taking light sensitive medications.


What should I expect when treated with therapeutic laser?

You will be placed in a comfortable position and provided with protective eyewear. The laser will either be hand held or strapped in place over the area being treated. Laser treatments are totally pain free but you may experience a warming sensation generated from the laser unit itself. Treatment time varies from 2 minutes to 20 minutes. The total number of treatments varies between 5-25 depending on the body’s natural healing rate and the severity of your condition. It is not uncommon for patients to experience immediate relief after just one or two sessions. Generally, less severe and acute injuries will require a lesser number of treatments than more complicated and chronic conditions. Treatment frequency is generally 1-3 times per week with a decreasing frequency as your condition improves. There are normally no adverse side effects from laser but sometimes you may experience a mild ache due to re-stimulation of the inflammatory phase. This should settle down over 24-48 hours.


Is laser therapy billed under chiropractic care?

Yes. Laser therapy is a modality that chiropractors are trained to use on their patients. Worker Place Safety and Insurance Board, Motor Vehicle Accident Insurance and most Extended Health Care Plans may cover all or a portion of your treatment costs.



Initial Chiropractic Examination and Treatment
Adult $100.00
Student $80.00

Subsequent Treatment (fees vary depending on the complexity of your condition)
Adult $50.00-$60.00
Student (over 14) $45.00-$55.00
Student (under 14) $40.00-$50.00

Missed Appointment Fee