
Chiropractic is the primary health care profession concerned with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disorders of the neuromusculoskeletal system. Chiropractic focuses on the spine in relation to the total body, and specializes in the understanding and treatment of its components bone structures, muscles and nerves. The principles of Chiropractic can be applied to treat any muscle, joint or nerve related condition throughout the whole body. Chiropractic care maintains, improves, restores and enhances the health of the patient.


What types of conditions do chiropractors treat?

Chiropractors treat any conditions related to the muscles, joints and nerves in the entire body.

This includes pain such as:
• upper and lower back, neck, jaw, shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee, ankle and foot pain, headaches

Symptoms resulting from the following conditions also respond well to chiropractic treatment:
• scoliosis, arthritis, sciatica, carpal tunnel syndrome, muscle tightness or strain and fibromyalgia
• sports injuries
• work related injuries
• motor vehicle accident related injuries, such as whiplash


What type of education do you need to become a Chiropractor?

To become a Doctor of Chiropractic in Ontario you must have completed a University Degree, four years at Chiropractic College
and then pass both National and Provincial Board Examinations. Chiropractic education never ends as doctors must complete
postgraduate courses for license renewal and to stay current on the latest scientific research.


What should I expect at my initial visit?

After filling out a comprehensive initial health history package the doctor will perform a thorough interactive history and examination. The results of this process will be discussed with the patient and a plan of management recommended. A chiropractic treatment will be provided on the initial visit unless the Chiropractor determines that this is not in your best interest. The initial visit and treatment lasts approximately 45-60 minutes.


Do I have to disrobe for a chiropractic visit?

During the initial examination the Chiropractor is required to view the entire spine and/or area of injury in order to properly assess your condition. You will be provided with a patient gown and/or shorts. Plan to wear loose clothing for your comfort and easy
access to injury areas.


Will I need X-rays?

Each patient case is unique. The Chiropractor will determine if X-rays are necessary to help confirm your clinical diagnosis or to rule out underlying factors. Our X-rays are taken at a local radiology clinic. If you have already had X-rays taken please provide them and/or a radiology report to us. If you have any other pertinent tests such as a MRI, CT, nerve conduction test or soft tissue ultrasound, please provide those results also.


What should I expect at a subsequent chiropractic visit?

Treatments differ for each patient and for the condition being treated. Treatments may involve spinal adjustments, mobilizations, passive stretching, soft tissue therapy, adjunctive modalities and/or Kinesio Taping. Patients may also be given recommendations for specific exercise, nutritional advice and/or postural advice.


What adjunctive modalities are used at your clinic?

Modalities used include acupuncture, therapeutic cold laser (TCL), vibration therapy (Thumper), interferential current (IFC), electrical muscle stimulation (EMS), transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), microcurrent (MC), ultrasound (US), Kinesio Taping, cryotherapy and thermotherapy. These modalities are used to enhance the function or healing of an injury by applying a mechanical or electrical force to the area of the body being treated.


Do you have physiotherapy at your clinic?

We do not have a physiotherapist on staff, therefore cannot bill for treatments as physiotherapy but we do offer many, if not more, of the services that you would receive at a physiotherapy clinic. Chiropractors are doctors. They can diagnose and treat a variety of mechanical disorders of the neuromusculoskeletal system. Physiotherapists are not doctors. They practise under a medical doctor’s diagnosis and direction. At the Westney Heights Chiropractic Centre we use the adjunctive modalities you would find at most physiotherapy clinics such as interferential current (IFC), electrical muscle stimulation (EMS), transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), microcurrent (MC), ultrasound (US) , cryotherapy and thermotherapy. In addition to modalities we perform mobilizations, passive stretching, soft tissue therapy, kinesio taping and/or acupuncture which you may or may not receive at a physiotherapy clinic. Along with ergonomic and postural advice, our patients may also be given recommendations for a specific home exercise program. At a physiotherapy clinic you may perform your exercises as part of your session using exercise equipment and/or given a home exercise program. Chiropractors are trained to perform specific low force, short lever spinal adjustments which are not part of the physiotherapy core curriculum.


What chiropractic adjusting techniques are used your clinic?

Our two main adjusting techniques are:

• Diversified, which involves specific manual or “hands on” adjusting techniques, and

• Activator, which employees a hand held low force adjusting instrument.

Other techniques, such as table drop piece adjusting or pelvic blocks may be incorporated into your treatment as well, depending on your condition and/or preference as discussed with your Chiropractor.


What is a chiropractic adjustment?

A chiropractic adjustment is the application of a specific force in a precise direction to a joint that is restricted. The purpose is to improve spinal function and nervous system function. The results of the adjustment are the restoration of the normal motion to the joint, reflex muscle relaxation and the release of natural pain killers known as endorphins.


Does chiropractic care hurt?

Yes and no. Chiropractic adjustments don’t usually hurt but when muscles and joints are already sore due to strain, sprain or nerve irritation you may experience some temporary discomfort during or after a treatment.


What is the “cracking” noise I hear during a manual adjustment?

When doing an adjustment there is a gapping or stretching between the two joint surfaces needed in order to restore the motion back to the joint. This stretch creates a pressure change in the synovial fluid inside the joint causing gases to be released making an audible sound. The bones or the cartilage themselves are not making the noise. It is a physiological reaction to the stretch. Within 20 minutes the gases dissolve back into the joint fluid. Not all adjustments will create a sound so don’t feel like the adjustment was not successful if you do not hear anything. The most important part to the adjustment is the specific motion restorative stretch.


How long will I need chiropractic care?

Some patients rely on chiropractic to help manage episodes of spinal and extremity problems. Others include chiropractic as part of a plan of ongoing wellness. How long you benefit from care is up to you.


Do I need a prescription to see a Chiropractor?

No. Anyone can see a Chiropractor. Doctors of Chiropractic are primary care practitioners governed under the Drugless Practitioners Act. Thus no referral is necessary. Extended health care policies are always changing so it is still recommended that you inquire with your plan to see if they have special requirements to ensure coverage.


Can Chiropractors write prescriptions?

Yes and No. Chiropractors cannot write prescriptions for medications. Chiropractors can make recommendations for health care products such as, back braces, orthopedic pillows, traction units, and orthotics. A Chiropractor’s prescription may be accepted for coverage by your extended health care plan but in some cases your plan may specify the need for your Medical Doctor to write the prescription. Always inquire ahead of time to be sure.


Can Chiropractors write notes for work?

Yes. Chiropractors can write a note advising employers of an employee’s inability to perform their job duties or to be off work due to injury. They can fill out a functional abilities form making recommendations for modified duties or graduated hours and they can write a note for an employee to return to work. Some long term disability claims may require a Medical Doctor to fill out the forms so it is advisable to inquire with your claims carrier in this situation.


Does OHIP cover chiropractic care?

No. However, Worker Place Safety and Insurance Board, Motor Vehicle Accident Insurance and most Extended Health Care Plans may cover all or a portion of your treatment costs. The Chiropractors at this clinic are registered under the Ontario Chiropractic Association, the Canadian Chiropractic Association and the Acupuncture Council of Ontario.


Is chiropractic safe?

Yes. Chiropractic care has a strong safety record. No health treatment is completely free of potential adverse effects.
Even common non-prescription pain relievers carry a risk. Fortunately, any adverse effects from chiropractic care are usually minor and short-term.

In the media, reports of stroke related to neck adjustments has caused some concern but the science has not supported this claim. The most recent research into the rare cases of stroke found that patients who visit a chiropractor are no more likely to experience a stroke than are patients who visit their family physician. The study concludes that this type of stroke commonly begins with pain in the neck or head which causes the patient to seek care from their Chiropractor or Family Physician before the stroke fully develops. Chiropractors take a careful history of your health, your recent activities and any unusual symptoms you may have before deciding whether a treatment is right for you.


Do Chiropractors treat children?

Yes. Chiropractic is safe for all ages. Chiropractic adjusting techniques are modified to fit a child’s size, weight and spinal condition.



Initial Examination and Treatment
Adult $110.00
Student $90.00

Subsequent Treatments
Adult $55.00
Student (over 11) $50.00
Student (under 10) $45.00

Extended Chiropractic Visit
(Chiro with acupuncture or laser - approx. 15 mins) $65

Chiropractic Rehabilitation Visit
(Chiro with exercise rehab - approx. 30 mins) $80

Intensive Chiropractic Visit
(Complex chiro and/or rehab and/or acupuncture or laser - approx. 30 mins) $90

Missed Appointment Fee


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